Signers National

Mergers and Acquisitions


Interested in combining your practice with one of the fastest growing and most customer-focused companies in insurance?

Signers National, LLC is a group of premier insurance companies dedicated to servicing key client segments across the United States. By leveraging its deep expertise in niche markets, each Signers company delivers significant added-value across the entire insurance ecosystem.


Our Companies

Lamb Insurance Services

The largest P&C agency dedicated exclusively to serving nonprofit and human service organizations.

Convelo Insurance Group

The country’s fastest-growing MGU serving nonprofit and human service organizations, along with other key niches.

Commercial Auto Retail Insurance Services

Dedicated exclusively to providing commercial auto solutions

Commercial Real Estate Insurance Services

Focused on insuring commercial real estate holdings across the country.

Principle Insurance Agency

A full-service insurance brokerage.

We offer a broad variety of acquisition options to ensure combining with Signers works for you in a way that meets your goals:

  • 1 You can sell your book outright;
  • 2 You can sell your book and continue to service it; or
  • 3 You can sell your book and have us service it while you continue to sell.

In addition to these acquisition options, we offer flexible terms that allow you to determine whether you want the purchase of your book or practice to be paid for upfront, paid downstream - allowing you to take financial advantage of the growth you experience with Signers, or a combination of the two. Let’s find out what works best for you – and then make it happen.

Benefits of Selling to Signers


You’ll become part of an unmatched, core-value driven culture that permeates throughout our companies.


You’ll be part of a high-growth company, with organic growth at 6x the industry average.


You’ll join a team with over 40 carrier partnerships – an abundance of relationships that ensure your clients will get the best coverage, pricing, and support.


You’ll be bringing your book or practice to a firm where clients LOVE to do business – as evidenced by the retention of roughly 95% of all our clients over the past five years.


You and any of your current employees who decide to join Signers as employees will be signing up with a company whose employees feel GREAT about what they do, who they do it with, and having their say in how to build an ever-better company – every day.


Interested? Learn More About Signers’ Acquisition Process.

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